Hi-Tech Christmas Gifts For The Tech Geek In Your Family

On the one hand it is easy to decide what to get the tech-geek in the family because they are obsessed with technological innovations and anything tech can satisfy them. On the other hand, their very obsession may make them nit-pick their gifts, making them the ultimate non-satisfied customer, no matter how many gifts you give them. So here are some suggestions for your shopping spree next time you go gift shopping for a geeky cousin:

Pop Culture Fan Merchandise

If your friend/family member is anything like the usual nerds/geeks, then they will also have their own favourite among comic or pop culture. If they appreciate the false technology used in the comics, films or books that they obsess over, you could find andbuy something that ties in with that as a Christmas present. For instance, there are vintage lightsabers for sale online from the time when the original Star Wars movies were released. Or you could go for the more sophisticated tech now available around Comic Con and buy an actual laser beamed lightsaber. These will not come cheap, but nor will be the smile on the face of your friend/cousin. Visit this page if you are looking for 3dr drone.

Technological Innovations in Social Skills

They may need a bit of help with their social skills, so anything that willhelp them interact more with people or do more “normal” things will be an added bonus. Try giving them something like a selfie drone, which keeps getting better all the time, and is now available in packable, light weight models that can be carried around in a backpack.

All you have to do is fix a camera or phone onto the helpful selfie drone and use the remote control to operate the battery powered drone and get it in position before you press the ‘capture’ button and say “selfie!” If they don’t like selfies, they can always modify it to hold something other than a camera. Other cool gadgets can include smart watches, Google glasses or holograph consoles.

Raw Material or Parts for Building

If your friend/family member is more into building and innovating with tech, then you can also get them extra parts and other raw material they will need. Even small things like chrome wire, fibre optics and certain metals are not cheap and they may be stuck on a project without a way to move forward as they cannot afford to buy something they need. Offer to pay a certain amount to get what they need; ask what they would like and buy them that; or give them the money and let them purchase what they want. Just make sure to call dibs on viewing and maybe trying out whatever it is they are making.